Friday, January 21, 2005

meditation after yoga, yoga been berry berry good to me

January 21, 2004 - 09:57 PM
meditation of heart <3

this is my little meditation today
the heart is the place where, we as humans all connect.... we may be at different places in the mind or body... but we all share our hearts... it's where the physical and the spiritual meet and the one place of common connection... to live my life fully, I need to live from my heart and experience the emotions that opening my heart allows..... those will be full of the multitude of nuances of pain and pleasure.
You can live without your mind and your sexual organs but you can't live without your heart.I simply know that MY goal, is not to seek to find how to become lofty and out of my body... but to integrate the spiritual and the physical in the vessel I have been given to house those energies.... so, for me, that means opening my heart to connect with another at that common place...and I know that when I open my heart, it is laid bare and not protected against pain.... yet, I recognize that pain is part of my scope of experience and that I cannot change that or protect myself from it, yet merely accept it an then move on to the next phase. I see that to connect with heart is to know compassion as we recognize that we are all ONE, we all share connection. We are born alone but in community.
I feel that for me, I choose to live and cut the shit, get right past the bullshit fluff... and relate, heal, and exchange. I have to live in this world and recognize my function of BEING myself, for it's the one I know the best I live with me every day. If I stay focused at being the best ME I can be, then I can truly offer the gifts that I have to give, and they are many and there is not limit to my heart, yet I also see that in an exchange, I can allow myself to be exposed and give and receive with another's heart space. Soul connection is beautiful and worthy and is what keeps one another from being trampled ... we offer our shoulder to assist until they have the strength to walk their road on their own. And sometimes we skip hand and hand along a path of life and it makes neither "your" road or "my" road..... just a road that we were able to travel together... Some roads are not long and we have to depart, some will meet up with you at different forks and some will be much more regular company as your lives will be constructive in your growth and needs the test of time to do the multifaceted work it is designed to do. Soul connections are there to help us and we them... encourage one another and help each other to see from different perspectives and to broaden their own experiences. Some connections will come in your life and It will burn fast and furious and be gone quickly, yet the brief stay will alter you in an intense way and others will seem to show up right when you need them..... and some, the really rare and beautiful gems, are the connections that will always be.... the are so pure and on target and perfectly right.... that they will stay as guidance and growth, to ensure you stay on course and are not getting too caught up in the doing but remind you of the being and they will be the vibrating, thunderous, compassionate hearts that are in it till the end..... all of these relationships are important, as they all play apart in my development, so I wish to appreciate the lessons I receive everyday and just BE without judgment.... it may be goofy, it may be serious, or may be corny... it will be what it is ant any given time.....and most of those times different..... but I am going to live in that m êl ée and soak it all up...... people shall know that I live by my heart energy, I am grounded to the earth and by the sky and it meets at my heart


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