Monday, January 17, 2005

life's gourmet

life's gourmet
« Thread Started on Jan 21, 2005, 12:55am » [Quote]
as I am biking in the glorious weather today ... pumping hard because the wind is blowing... I ponder... I feel a difficult obstacle/lesson I am overcoming right now is how can I be less affected by people and situations... I don't mean being insensitive, just not so ruled by what happens .... whether viewed as negative or positive ... things happen or people happen in our lives and we experience different emotions ... all par for the course ... yet for me, I tend to throw myself completely into those emotions and then determine my state of being by the situation ... or usually my lack of control of a situation ... we want stasis ... control ... nirvana and someone is always screwing up the rotation! I was recognizing this flaw and wondering how I can constantly remind myself that the pure, radiant energy that I AM, does not alter or change due to any circumstance. Life is a buffet and full of bizarre and unusual flavors ... we never know what our next course will be. I resolved that at least I know this energy is perfect and pure and joy is constantly present, just waiting for me to recognize it, so whether or not someone understands me, likes me, responds to me, doesn't alter WHO I AM. So in my perfect place I can always smile and not wait for a reason. I can and will learn how to remind myself of this for I am constantly mentally stressing about situations and people and how they affect me and I know that "non judgmental BEING" is my only solace. I am sure it will take work but I am willing to saddle up to life's buffet, gripping my utensils and ready for the next course ... what flavor will it be?

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