Thursday, February 17, 2005

here i am

« Thread Started on Feb 17, 2005, 8:20pm »

so i take on this break neck schedule, and do my normal thing, go go go without considering that i have to actually take care of myself, you know challenge the ol' immune system, and guess what??? it lost! I am the winner! So the winner, who hasn't been sick in maybe ten years has been in bed with 103 fever talking to doctors and people that are not there and today I am finally feeling something close to human, close mind you. I have to implement some serious lifestyle changes which include eating, yoga and rest if I plan on surviving Spring Break. It is hellacious but fun at the same time. It really puts your body to the test and two weeks of 7 days a week is insanity. The real issue is that you stay in the same posisiton for hours and by the end of one day you need a massage, take that and multiply time 14 and you get the idea. I will be finding a shiatsu place there upon arrival! I have lots of cool new things to bring and adorn the students with so it will be awesome, they will be jacked! I am also really looking forward to my show on the first of march , it will be so damn cool, it's burning me up inside! Gotta get it out and photgraphed, definately will be the coolest thing I have done to date!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

you are who you are

« Thread Started on Feb 6, 2005, 7:32pm »

so, i have just finished my yoga instructor certification test and after about 14hours of writing, I finally am done. I am manifesting a 100% on this one. The funny thing is, because I was on tour for so long, i neither cracked open my books or could attend many of the classes, but had i not have agreed to do the tour, i wouldn't have had the money to take the class, so although odd, it was the perfect way, and the Universe provided the ways to make it up. So, I am facing this test completely unprepared, yet I am not nervous. I start to browse through the book and it is so exciting, I want to read and read, because what I am reading I totally connect to, so not only could I grasp the most "difficult" of concepts, I could expound on them. It was amazing. I took all the time i needed to finish the test and did it on my own. You were allowed to do the test openly with the other students but I chose to do it alone, because I didn't want to be swayed by another's thoughts but be genuine in my understanding and not rhetorical. So, even though I could have answered many questions, and passed, with the bare minimum, I not only answered them but the concepts surrounding them.... I felt AWESOME! It was such an accomplishment, that I have been wanting for some time to achieve, and I did it.

I am in the most interesting of places in my life right now, and being shown so much by the powers that be, so many amazing lessons, and participation, that someone is watching and offering direction in my sense of purpose. I am seeing myself grow into fulfillment, and it's being done by me just BEING me. I am being validated that I am a catalyst for change and growth, plus I am pretty silly
No matter what I have done, even prior to me gaining knowledge of self, I have always put all of me and then some from those Universal sources, into what I do. I have this innate sense that you have to be honest with yourself and willing to risk disapproval, to be you. The very exciting part now, is that since I have been diligently following my heart, the Universe places what I need in my path, and what others need by meeting me. It's an amazing cosmic exchange. I don't believe in coincidence and when I have been able to look at all those "little coincidences" I can now piece them together as part of a larger puzzle, and it is much clearer when the pieces link together.
One of the things I am realizing is that my call, or path or destiny... whatever label you wanna tag on that baby..... is not just for me and my immediate family, but I am to reach many. I know this in the molecules of my body, it's not a choice, it's in my blueprint. So, I have been being me and bopping along, and my business is growing, my skills are growing, my ideas are flourishing, and yet I still have my share of obstacles, and things I have to master. One of my most recent revelations was I am being groomed to step into my next cycle, and it requires my attention. I want to listen to the guidance so I don't have to learn the same lessons over and over again, it gets exhausting to do that!
I have gone from someone that was intrigued with henna to a henna celebrity. To me, same difference... WTF.... to the world I live in, it's a different game, one that I don't know the rules. I have been made aware of how I undervalue myself. I try to give everyone a break and while the one's that don't need a break get them, I am underselling who I am. I hate negotiating, i feel humble and almost guilty for asking for what I need, because I don't go to work, I am my work, my work is work is my expression, connection and growth. So I haven't absorbed the concept of me being the commodity and that it is ok to be compensated. It follows Universal Law of the flow of giving and receiving but I tend to get hung up on the giving part and whack out the balance. I know that in the long run, my naivete, and the decisions made from that place will work out in my favor. Yet, because I have been specifically shown on paper how much under the market value I have set myself, I feel it is my call to make changes. The problem is, I don't know how to go about these . The people needed have always just shown up, that can offer insight, so I have learned to recognize my resources right in front of me for the info I need instead of stressing about what I need and where to find it. I am passionate, on fire and filled with will and determination to BE and more and more people are taking notice and the one's that are taking notice, are people that can explode my world into a whole new existence, and still it only means I will be able to express myself, be me and serve my community on a grander scale.
I keep myself under this superhuman, breakneck schedule, so I can get my message out, to as many as I can, and mentally I forget about taking care of me. Physically, mentally and spiritually. So, I have to remind myself that the people placed in my life are there for a reason and I am there in their life for a reason, so I can go ahead and break down the barrier of "I have to do it all myself" to allow people to share their specific gifts with you as you share yours.
I am learning to recognize my soul family and participate in our connection.



Tuesday, February 01, 2005

off to South carolina

« Thread Started on Feb 1, 2005, 10:39am »
I am off to University of South Carolina, leaving my nice warm little Florida, ready to layer clothes and do that thang! Universities are my absolute faves, as the students are so awesome. They are so appreciative, helpful, kind and totally validating! They usually end up begging me not to leave... now how can you hate that!
My FIU trip was wonderful, despite the thousands of miles I put on my car over the trip from going back and forth from lauderdale and west palm and to miami. I got lost every day and it was frustrating. I mapquested everything, but I think mapquest is owned my some oil tycoon and deliberately steers you in the wrong direction so you waste gas and they make more money... it could happen
more on the fiu trip later, lots of great lessons learned!